Friday, May 22, 2009

Midlife Crisis - Midlife Revelations - which will you chose?

We all go through them (notice I did not say it, I said them). Some people think they only have one, not true they just only paid attention to one. They also begin prior to mid life, but most are so busy with building life or surviving life that they do not notice until it is overwhelming.

The midlife crisis and the midlife revelation begin the same way, the difference is how one processes and reacts/responds. It begins with an unsettling, a realization, an awareness. The crisis response is to focus on an outward self, to try and relive the past, to re capture youth, and so on. The revelation response it to look deep within, to learn about the inner self, to revisit the past, not to relive, but to put it to rest peacefully, and to take this new awareness of self and move forward in life with a desire to enrich others around you as well as yourself.

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